Carolina Loyola-Garcia

The Other Land - El Otro Lugar

Single channel video, 13 min, color, stereo



The Other Land is a voyage through a new territory and its culture.  It questions the idea of “otherness” as a fundamental category of human thought by exploring the point of view of a newcomer, of an immigrant who ventures into the center of the Empire. Using surreal imagery and vibrant colors, The Other Land takes the viewer into a world of cultural criticism, subversion and a proposition for a new America.


I made this work while in grad school, using rather old technology, by today's standards. Shot with a very early Sony miniDV camera, and edited in a BetacamSP linear system, using an old school time-base corrector for the color grading. Soundtrack was designed using ProTools. Those green screen composites were difficult to achieve in those days...



- Best Experimental Video and Best Sound Design, Festival Chileno Internacional de Cortometrajes, Chile, 1999.