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    Project Details

    Site-specific Multi-channel Video Installation

    One Oxford Centre, Downtown Pittsburgh


    Elemental is a site-specific multi-channel video installation designed for the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, using the structure currently in place at One Oxford Center. The installation uses the seven screens in place to showcase a loop of nature videos depicting the ocean, an active erupting volcano, snow, wind, sunsets, clouds, and flora. The alternating footage of nature provides passersby a moment to wonder and a window into worlds far from the downtown business atmosphere. It is meant to serve as a moment of respite or as an invitation to a few minutes of meditation or solace. The reels will be updated throughout the duration of the exhibition.

    Read article about it on NextPittsburgh!

    Artist Statement

    I need to remember.

    Make connections so that I can remember.

    Force my brain to collect, consolidate, and store moments that are significant.

    Maybe that’s why I make documentaries.

    It’s a way to collect and store.

    Moments in nature are full of peace and discovery. When I find myself documenting one of these moments, there’s no sense of time or definitive purpose. Just the need to let the camera roll, capture, and store. Hold. Consolidate.

    Elemental is a video installation that shares some of these visual instances. It’s organized to create a sense of juxtaposing elements, without forcing a visual relation.

    Pozo de fortuna

    Poema de Rocío Nogales

    Ese andar por la vida tan de humano,

    fraguando fronteras,

    ignorando ignominias,

    permitiendo perfidias.

    Ese volar por el planeta, tan de abeja,

    distribuyendo dulzores,

    estableciendo equilibrios,

    polinizando potenciales.

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